Sunday, March 4, 2012

Everything DiSC® - our new endeavor

Carolina Life Coaching is now an authorized Inscape Publishing distributor for all DiSC® products (and several other products).
DiSC® is an assessment tool that looks at how you interact with the world and provides an informative 20 page report that will help you to improve your interactions with others. That is a VERY simple description, way too simple but its a start. Here's a bit more
Further information can be found here
That site is under construction but will be updated every other day until completed.

I am super excited to integrate this tool into my coaching and training as I have been extremely impressed with the results of the profiles I seen.
Individuals can start with the Everything Workplace DiSC® or one of the targeted profiles such as Everything Workplace DiSC® Management, Everything Workplace DiSC® Sales, or Everything Workplace DiSC® Work of Leaders.
The profiles work wonderfully when used with groups and facilitated to help individuals to better understand how to communicate more efficiently with their group members.
I want to keep this entry short and sweet so will leave it here for now. But in time I will dedicate space here to provide additional information.

Please visit and send an email or call to find out more.

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